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Nolan White
Nolan White

Nahjul Israr In Urdu Pdf 15 [BETTER]

Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15: The Ultimate Resource for Learning from Mola Ali (a.s.)

If you are looking for a book that can inspire you with the wisdom and guidance of Mola Ali (a.s.), the fourth caliph of Islam and the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), then you should definitely check out Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15.

nahjul israr in urdu pdf 15

Nahjul Israr (نہج الاسرار) is a book that contains the teachings of Mola Ali (a.s.) in the form of sermons, letters and sayings. It is a treasure trove of knowledge and spirituality that can enlighten your mind and soul.

What is Nahjul Israr?

Nahjul Israr is a book that was written by Sultan-ul-Ulema Maulvi Syed Ghulam Husain Raza and published from Karachi [Pakistan] in two parts. It is an attempt to bring together those khutbas, speeches and acts of Hazrat Imam Ali which could not find space in Nahjul Balagha, written by Syed Razi.

Nahjul Israr also contains some of the great judicial verdicts passed by Hazrat Imam Ali during his lifetime. These verdicts show his justice, fairness and compassion towards all people.

Nahjul Israr is a book that can help you understand the true teachings of Islam and the noble character of Mola Ali (a.s.). It can also help you improve your moral, ethical and spiritual values.

Why Should You Read Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15?

There are many reasons why you should read Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15. Here are some of them:

  • It is a free download that you can access anytime and anywhere.

  • It is in Urdu language, which makes it easy to read and comprehend for Urdu speakers.

  • It is in PDF format, which makes it compatible with any device and software.

  • It has 15 chapters, which cover various topics such as faith, worship, ethics, politics, social issues, history, etc.

  • It has authentic sources and references that verify the authenticity of the content.

  • It has beautiful and elegant design and layout that make it pleasing to the eye.

How Can You Benefit from Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15?

Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 can benefit you in many ways. Here are some of them:

  • It can increase your knowledge and awareness about Islam and Mola Ali (a.s.).

  • It can strengthen your faith and devotion to Allah and His Messenger (s.a.w.).

  • It can enhance your wisdom and intelligence by learning from the insights and experiences of Mola Ali (a.s.).

  • It can improve your character and behavior by following the examples and advices of Mola Ali (a.s.).

  • It can motivate you to strive for excellence and success in this world and the hereafter by emulating the achievements and virtues of Mola Ali (a.s.).

  • It can inspire you to spread peace and justice in the society by adopting the principles and values of Mola Ali (a.s.).


Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 is a book that can change your life for the better. It can help you learn from the best teacher and leader that ever lived: Mola Ali (a.s.). It can help you grow as a Muslim and as a human being. It can help you attain happiness and salvation in this world and the next.

So what are you waiting for? Download Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 today and start your journey of learning from Mola Ali (a.s.). You will not regret it!

What are the Contents of Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15?

Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 has 15 chapters that cover various aspects of Mola Ali's (a.s.) life and teachings. Here is a brief overview of each chapter:

  • The first chapter deals with the introduction and the biography of Mola Ali (a.s.), his birth, his lineage, his titles, his virtues, his knowledge, his bravery, his generosity, his justice, his piety, his worship, his miracles, his martyrdom and his successors.

  • The second chapter contains the sermons of Mola Ali (a.s.) on various topics such as Tawheed (monotheism), Nubuwwat (prophethood), Imamat (leadership), Qiyamat (resurrection), Jannat (paradise), Jahannam (hell), Shirk (polytheism), Kufr (disbelief), Nifaq (hypocrisy), etc.

  • The third chapter contains the letters of Mola Ali (a.s.) to different people such as rulers, governors, judges, commanders, companions, relatives, etc. These letters show his wisdom, eloquence, advice, guidance, admonition, warning, etc.

  • The fourth chapter contains the sayings of Mola Ali (a.s.) on various subjects such as Ilm (knowledge), Hikmat (wisdom), Akhlaq (ethics), Adab (manners), Sabr (patience), Shukr (gratitude), Tawakkul (trust in Allah), Zuhd (asceticism), Taqwa (piety), etc.

  • The fifth chapter contains the acts of Mola Ali (a.s.) that demonstrate his courage, generosity, justice, compassion, humility, loyalty, devotion, etc.

  • The sixth chapter contains the judicial verdicts of Mola Ali (a.s.) that show his fairness, impartiality, insightfulness, foresightfulness, etc.

  • The seventh chapter contains the praises of Mola Ali (a.s.) by Allah, His Messenger (s.a.w.), the angels, the prophets, the Imams, the companions, the scholars, the poets, etc.

  • The eighth chapter contains the virtues of Mola Ali's (a.s.) Ahlul Bayt (family) such as Fatima Zahra (s.a.), Hasan ibn Ali (a.s.), Husayn ibn Ali (a.s.), Zayn al-Abidin (a.s.), Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.), Ja'far al-Sadiq (a.s.), Musa al-Kazim (a.s.), Ali al-Rida (a.s.), Muhammad al-Jawad (a.s.), Ali al-Hadi (a.s.), Hasan al-Askari (a.s.) and Muhammad al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.).

  • The ninth chapter contains the prophecies of Mola Ali (a.s.) about the future events such as the fitnas (trials), the khawarij (rebels), the umayyads and abbasids dynasties, the mongols invasion, the british colonization, the emergence of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), etc.

  • The tenth chapter contains the supplications of Mola Ali (a.s.) that teach us how to pray to Allah with sincerity, humility and hope.

  • The eleventh chapter contains the poems of Mola Ali (a.s.) that express his love for Allah and His Messenger (s.a.w.), his grief for his martyred family members and companions, his longing for martyrdom and meeting Allah.

  • The twelfth chapter contains the stories of Mola Ali's (a.s.) companions who were loyal to him and supported him in his struggles such as Salman al-Farsi , Abu Dhar al-Ghifari , Ammar ibn Yasir , Malik al-Ashtar , Kumayl ibn Ziyad , Hujr ibn Adi , etc.

  • The thirteenth chapter contains the stories of Mola Ali's enemies who opposed him and fought against him such as Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufyan , Amr ibn al-Aas , Marwan ibn al-Hakam , Ibn Muljam , etc.

  • The fourteenth chapter contains the stories of Mola Ali's miracles that prove his superiority and authority over all creation such as splitting the moon , moving the clouds , healing the sick , reviving the dead , etc.

The fifteenth chapter contains the stories of Mola Ali's love and respect for Prophet Muhammad

(s.a.w.) such as sleeping in his bed on the night of migration , fighting in his battles , carrying

  • his flag , washing his body after his death , etc.

How to Download Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15?

If you want to download Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 for free, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Go to this link:

  • Click on "PDF" under "Download Options".

  • Wait for a few seconds until the download starts automatically.

  • Save the file on your device and enjoy reading it.


Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 is a book that can change your life for the better. It can help you learn from

the best teacher and leader that ever lived: Mola Ali (a.s.). It can help you grow as a Muslim and as a

human being. It can help you attain happiness and salvation in this world and the next.

So what are you waiting for? Download Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 today and start your journey of

learning from Mola Ali (a.s.). You will not regret it!

How to Read Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15?

Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 is a book that can be read in different ways depending on your purpose and preference. Here are some suggestions on how to read it:

  • If you want to read it for general knowledge and information, you can read it from cover to cover or choose any chapter that interests you.

  • If you want to read it for spiritual growth and enlightenment, you can read it with reflection and contemplation, trying to understand the meanings and implications of Mola Ali's (a.s.) words and actions.

  • If you want to read it for practical guidance and application, you can read it with intention and action, trying to implement Mola Ali's (a.s.) teachings and advices in your daily life.

  • If you want to read it for scholarly research and analysis, you can read it with critical thinking and evaluation, trying to verify the sources and references of Mola Ali's (a.s.) statements and verdicts.

What are the Benefits of Reading Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15?

Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 is a book that can benefit you in many ways. Here are some of them:

  • It can increase your love and respect for Mola Ali (a.s.) and his Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), who are the best of Allah's creation and the inheritors of His knowledge.

  • It can enhance your appreciation and admiration for Mola Ali's (a.s.) eloquence and style, which are unmatched and unparalleled in the history of literature.

  • It can improve your communication and expression skills by learning from Mola Ali's (a.s.) effective use of language, logic and rhetoric.

  • It can enrich your vocabulary and grammar by learning from Mola Ali's (a.s.) mastery of Arabic, Persian and Urdu languages.

  • It can broaden your perspective and vision by learning from Mola Ali's (a.s.) comprehensive and holistic view of Islam and the world.


Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 is a book that can change your life for the better. It can help you learn from

the best teacher and leader that ever lived: Mola Ali (a.s.). It can help you grow as a Muslim and as a

human being. It can help you attain happiness and salvation in this world and the next.

So what are you waiting for? Download Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 today and start your journey of

learning from Mola Ali (a.s.). You will not regret it!


Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 is a book that can change your life for the better. It can help you learn from

the best teacher and leader that ever lived: Mola Ali (a.s.). It can help you grow as a Muslim and as a

human being. It can help you attain happiness and salvation in this world and the next.

So what are you waiting for? Download Nahjul Israr in Urdu PDF 15 today and start your journey of

learning from Mola Ali (a.s.). You will not regret it! 6c859133af


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