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Pubblico·12 membri

Esteban Hernandez
Esteban Hernandez

NCS Dummy: A Simple and Effective Tool for BMW Coding with NCS Expert


If you're looking to code your BMW using NCS Expert, it can be done more conveniently with the help of the NCS Dummy. Here's a comprehensive guide on what is NCS Dummy, what does it do, and how to use it.

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NCS Dummy is a tool that works with NCS Expert, a software application that allows users to directly communicate with any module on the BMW's CAN network. It can read configuration codes and write new configurations from the modules. The NCS Expert downloads ECU parameters into the computer via a trace file. This trace file can be edited and can be uploaded back to apply the changes into the vehicle's ECU.

Normally, these trace files are edited manually via plain text editor. The NCS Dummy, on the other hand, makes the process of working with NCS Expert a lot easier. It helps users do away from the error-prone process of editing trace files manually. The NCS Dummy makes it simple and safer to edit the trace files. Moreover, the NCS Dummy also allows users to assemble and disassemble NCS Expert data files to apply certain functionalities, which can't be done using the stock NCS Expert installation.

In order to use NCS Dummy, you will need some minimum requirements, such as:

  • Microsoft Windows XP or later

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 or Microsoft .NET Framework 4

  • Minimum display resolution of 800x600 for Windows XP/2003, 1024x768 for Windows Vista/7/8/10 (at 96 dpi - higher dpi settings require higher resolutions)

  • Local or remote access to the NCS Expert "DATEN" folder

  • A reliable OBD interface cable for BMW

NCS Dummy is compatible with all known BMW chassis: E31, E32, E34, E36, E38, E39, E46, E52, E53, E60, E65, E70, E83, E85, E89, K24, R50, R56, RR1 and derived Features of NCS Dummy

NCS Dummy is a powerful tool that has many features to enhance the functionality and usability of NCS Expert. Here are some of the main features of NCS Dummy:

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  • Parsing trace files and retrieving parameters, data, and options: NCS Dummy can parse keyword trace files (FSW_PSW.TRC) or nettodata trace files (NETTODAT.TRC) that are created by NCS Expert when reading the configuration codes from the modules. NCS Dummy can retrieve all possible parameters, control unit data, and order options for each function in the trace file. It can also display the current values and the default values of each parameter, as well as thousands of English translations to help clarify the settings .

  • Comparing trace files and showing differences: NCS Dummy can compare two trace files and show the differences between them. This is useful for checking what changes have been made to the configuration codes, or for comparing different versions of trace files. NCS Dummy can highlight the differences in color, and also show a summary of the changes in a separate window .

  • Disassembling and assembling NCS Expert data files: NCS Dummy can disassemble and assemble NCS Expert data files, such as NFS, MAN, or COD files. This allows users to modify the data files to achieve functionality that is not possible with a stock NCS Expert installation. For example, users can add new parameters, functions, or options to the data files, or change the order or grouping of the parameters. NCS Dummy can also update the checksums of the data files after modifying them .

  • Providing extra information and translations for functions and parameters: NCS Dummy can provide extra information and translations for each function and parameter in the trace file or data file. This information is retrieved from cross references to the order options, or from external sources such as BMW WDS or TIS. NCS Dummy can also display the descriptions of each order option in English or German .

Benefits of NCS Dummy

NCS Dummy is not only a feature-rich tool, but also a beneficial one. Here are some of the benefits of using NCS Dummy:

  • Making working with NCS Expert easier and safer: NCS Dummy simplifies the process of editing trace files by providing a graphical user interface that shows all the parameters, data, and options in a clear and organized way. Users can easily change the values of the parameters by selecting from a list of options, or by typing in the desired value. NCS Dummy also prevents users from making mistakes or invalid changes to the trace files, by checking the syntax and validity of the values, and by warning users of any potential errors or conflicts .

  • Enabling functionality that is not possible with stock NCS Expert: NCS Dummy allows users to modify NCS Expert data files to add new functionality or features that are not available in the stock NCS Expert installation. For example, users can add new parameters, functions, or options to the data files, or change the order or grouping of the parameters. This can enable users to access hidden or undocumented settings, or to customize their BMW to their preferences .

  • Saving time and effort for coding and programming BMW ECUs: NCS Dummy saves users time and effort by automating some of the tasks that are normally done manually with NCS Expert. For example, NCS Dummy can export trace files to text files or graphical trace editor, which can be useful for documentation or sharing purposes. NCS Dummy can also compare two trace files and show the differences, which can be useful for troubleshooting or testing purposes. NCS Dummy can also update the checksums of the data files after modifying them, which can save users from having to do it manually .

Installation of NCS Dummy

Installing NCS Dummy is not a complicated process, but it does require some steps to follow. Here is a brief guide on how to install and run NCS Dummy on your computer:

Download NCS Dummy and the user manual: You can download the latest version of NCS Dummy and the user manual from the official thread at The download links are in the first post of the thread. Alternatively, you can use these direct links:

  • NCS Dummy 0.6.10 (664 kB)

  • User manual (1 MB)

  • NCS Dummy profile for NCS Expert 3.x (1 kB)

  • NCS Dummy profile for NCS Expert 4.x (1 kB)

  • Extract the contents of the downloaded archive to a local folder on your hard disk: You can use any archive extractor software, such as WinRAR or 7-Zip, to extract the contents of the downloaded archive ( to a local folder on your hard disk. For example, you can extract it to C:\NcsDummy .

  • Double-click NcsDummy.exe to start the application: You can find the executable file (NcsDummy.exe) in the folder where you extracted the archive. Double-click on it to launch NCS Dummy. You may see a security warning from Windows, but you can ignore it and click "Run" or "Yes" to continue.

Set the path to the NCS Expert DATEN folder and the text file viewer: The first time you run NCS Dummy, you will need to set some options in the "Options" tab. The most important ones are the path to the NCS Expert DATEN folder and the text file viewer. The DATEN folder contains the data files that NCS Expert and NCS Dummy use to communicate with the BMW modules. The text file viewer is the program that NCS Dummy uses to open text files, such as trace files or data files. You can use any text editor software, such as Notepad or Notepad++, as your text file viewer. To set these options, follow these steps:

  • Click on the "Options" tab in NCS Dummy.

  • Click on the "Browse" button next to "Path to NCS Expert DATEN folder".

  • Navigate to the folder where you have installed NCS Expert, and select the "DATEN" subfolder. For example, if you have installed NCS Expert in C:\NCSEXPER , then select C:\NCSEXPER\DATEN . Click "OK".

  • Click on the "Browse" button next to "Text file viewer".

  • Navigate to the folder where you have installed your text editor software, and select the executable file. For example, if you have installed Notepad++ in C:\Program Files\Notepad++ , then select C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe . Click "OK".

  • Click on "Save Settings" to save your options.

Usage of NCS Dum


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